News From Normans

brookelyn bidinger

Meet Prom 2024 Ambassador Brookelyn Bidinger

Brookelyn’s deets-

Brookelyn attends Nixa High School.

She wanted to be a Normans Prom Ambassador because she enjoys modeling and meeting new people. She knew this would be the perfect opportunity for her.

Brookelyn runs track and cross country for Nixa and also is the lead worship singer for her church. She enjoys working out and being outdoors. She also enjoys doing bible studies and drinking coffee with her friends!

She plans on attending Mississippi College for track and cross county and study sports management. Her goal is to open her own gym and possibly design a clothing line!

Her advice to other high school students is the importance of meaningful friendships. When life gets tough and messy as you travel through high school, it’s so crucial to fall back onto those healthy relationships to keep going.