Hello everybody! I'm Dalena and I married a handsome man called Joshua Carroll! He's a specialist in the US Army. Here's a snippet of our story ?? We kind of heard about each other during high school but I never seen him around but he always knew where I sat in the lunch room, funny huh? It wasn't until after I graduated I decided to message him and tell him how hot I thought he was! That was February 2015 so we talked all night and he gave me his number so from then we talked non-stop. Easter was rolling around and he told me that he was coming down for four days to spend with family and go to his church. April 4th 2015 he asked me to be his girlfriend and of course I said yes!
We spent everyday together until he had to go back to Texas where he is stationed at. So we were apart for about a month in half, thanks goodness for texting and FaceTime! Fast forward toJune 2nd, he got deployed to South Korea for 9 months for training purposes. That was the longest 9 months of my life!! But thank goodness again for FaceTime and texting! But I told him when we were first dating that I'd never leave and I'd always wait for him. July 24th, 2015 he asked me to marry him over FaceTime.. Yes FaceTime over an iPhone, we made it work he ordered the engagement ring and had it sent to me and I had to wait to open it till he woke up (big time difference) In August the month after he proposed I went and ordered my wedding dress! I was on top of things! I chose this one actually from a prom dress I found on Pinterest and I said "I want my wedding dress to look like that"! So my best friend and I went looking and she pulled this one out and I said that's the one! so fast forward again..February 2nd we drove down to his homecoming in Fort Hood Texas, February 4th, 2016 we got legally married there in Texas at a courthouse! I had to leave the next day. But I made a quick decision to move down to Texas! I packed all my things and all our house things that we've gotten as gifts and headed down to Texas with his mom! That was February 13th I believe! While I was on the way down he was getting our house ready such as the water and electricity turned on!
I absolutely loved Texas and sad that we're getting stationed somewhere else! Wish us best of luck as we will be traveling to New York as our new duty station! And remember, long distance relationships can work! Just keep yourself busy! I actually got a job at Norman's Bridal in Lebanon Mo working with prom kids and that kept me busy! And you also have to believe that they will work! Thank you for sharing our story!