How and or where did you meet?
We met in 2003 through mutual friends. In 2013, Justin finally gained the courage to ask me on a date. He claimed he always wanted to date me but didn't know I shared the interest. We have been inseparable since.
How did you get proposed to?
On January 7, 2017, Justin and I went on a snowmobile adventure through the enchanted forest. The ride was magical. The tour guide had a cabin with a fire and hot chocolate at one of the highest points of the tour. Of course, I imagined that very moment to be where he proposed. However, we loaded up and returned to the path. I sat behind my husband, boyfriend at the time, frustrated. Who would not propose on a mountain top, while drinking hot chocolate by a campfire? Little did I know he had planned the proposal for that very day. We proceeded to drive the path to the enchanted forest. It was breathtaking. Then, all of a sudden, he stopped the snowmobile. Frustrated as I was, I was bickering about not keeping up with the tour, but little did I know he was getting ready to propose. He got down on one knee behind my seat and told me to turn around. My best friend, my soulmate, asked me to marry him in the middle of the enchanted forest. It was a vacation of a lifetime.
What was your favorite memory from your wedding day?Our wedding was the perfect little destination wedding in Negril, Jamaica. I could list a dozen favorite memories. However, I will always cherish looking into his eyes and seeing them water up with happy tears.
What vendors did you use at your wedding?
Photographer- Misha Earle Photography
What was your experience like at Normans Bridal?
My experience was quick and professional. I purchased my wedding dress in the fall dress dash of 2017. It was the second dress I tried on. The staff was very helpful with opinions and storage.